Synopsis Kyriakoulis, an EOKA fighter, is arrested by the British. In order to take revenge, his comrades kidnap David (Kostas Kastanas), son of a British woman (Zorz Sarri) who is friends with the...
A fighter of EOKA is arrested by the British. His compatriots, by way of retaliation, arrest the son of a British lady (Zorz Sarri), who is the friend of the British governor of the island. The Cyprio...
An old Greek-Cypriot fighter of EOKA (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters), Evagoras, who fought the British for the independence of the island and now lives in London, goes back to find his wif...
The shooting of the film started in the summer of 1966 in Crete, using the working title The Face of Medusa, and was completed after plenty of revisions in the screenplay and its original form in Lond...
This is a free adaptation of the ancient myth of Hero and Leander – the myth of Aphrodite’s priestess who fell in love with a young man from Abydos. On a remote island of the Aegean, a fugitive (G...